I am SOOOO sorry guys. I've been trying to make this review but work just kept piling up and every time I got a chance to post it, I'd immediately forget when I get to my dormitory. So, without any more hold up, he's my thoughts on this one.
This episode is pretty average. Better than the first two, not as good as the third, whatever. It's plot, An ex-agent and protege of Agent Coulson has been spotted committing impossible crimes that make her appear to have precognition. I quite like how everyone in SHIELD immediately dismisses Psychic powers, a reference I hope to the fact that all the note-worthy psychics in Marvel are owned by Fox in the X-men franchise. Instead, it seems the girl has super-advanced technolofy that's decades in the making implanted in her head that gives her an eye in the back of her head and x-ray vision. Also, she has a bomb in her robot eye with a screen that tells her what to do and where to go. And if she refuses, BOOM.
It's a nice concept, though the rogue agent herself and the guy controlling her aren't that interesting of characters. There are some cool events though and the ending leads to TWO plot reveals. 1. The guy controlling the rogue agent was also being controlled and whoever was doing that is still out there. and 2. Agent Coulson isn't himself, or rather, the agent Coulson we all know and love, isn't the same Agent Coulson from before when he was training the ex-agent.
This all brings up some great thoughts and ideas, but first let's talk about the characters. Skye got a little more character growth and her relationship with Coulson and Agent Ward has gotten a little more fleshed out, but this is surprisingly a Coulson centered episode. May got a little character growth as well, learning about teamwork and trust. Actually, rather than be a centered episode, this show is pretty much a SHIELD episode.
Now for the thoughts and ideas. Coulson has been collecting a LOT of old trinkets over the years and has an old military helmet. It doesn't look like its from Coulson's time, which brings up the idea, what if Coulson is a LOT older than we think? What if he's died on numerous occasions and has been fixed up again and again.
Not much has happened in this episode though so I'll leave it at that. I'm sorry for taking so long.
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